Sunday, December 8, 2013

Winter time hive preparation

Today let’s talk about winter time preparation for spring. This consists of making sure your equipment is ready and waiting for the honey bees. The spring is a very busy time for honey bees.  Winter is a busy time for beekeepers. I like to take this time to clean and inspect hives that don’t have bees in them. This is a prime time to paint wooden ware and replace wax foundation in your frames.

Winter is also a good time to go and visit with fellow beekeepers at classes that are usually held at beekeeping conferences all over the state. In these events I learn from other beekeepers about issues that affect all of us. We see how beekeepers from other countries take care of their bees and what issues are affecting them. I also use this time to look back on records that were kept in the years past. These records can help me do what works best first, instead of using the old trial and error thing.

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