Sunday, December 1, 2013

Honey Bees in the Winter

Yesterday I was looking across the field at some of our bee hives, and thought wonder how they are doing today. Honey Bees work all spring and summer collecting nectar and pollen to feed the hive through the winter months. When it gets colder than about 45 degrees the honey bees cluster together inside the hive. They usually cluster near or on honey; the queen is near the center so they can keep her warm by vibrating or shaking their bodies. The worker bees rotate from inside the cluster to the outside and repeat.

The bees stay in this cluster all winter until there is a day where temperatures rise above 45 degrees. On these days the honey bees take what is called “cleansing flights” or using the restroom. While the days grow colder the honey bees will have all they need in the hive. The honey is both a food and hydrating substance needed for survival. They use each other to keep warm. Once the days get warmer their lives start all over getting ready for the next winter. 

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