Friday, December 6, 2013

Long day

Tonight I wanted to tell you about a dear friend of mine. Earlier this morning I got a call from my wife, our dog could not stand or get up on her own. My family was left with a terrible choice to have to make. Tirzah was a beautiful Husky mix that took care of us for 16 years. She loved us and always was on watch to make sure we were ok. When I got home from work this morning we made the decision to put her to sleep, so we went to the vet. Tirzah brought my family so much joy over the last 16 years, and she will be missed every day.

Let’s talk about the bees for a moment. Today was a warm and unseasonable day with temperatures in the mid-70s. Now as I write this post its 66 degrees near 11 pm. In the next few days it will be in the 30s or even 20s. What does this mean for the bees? Well they have been out flying today taking cleansing flights. Hopefully they will understand bad weather is on the way. One bad part of this is the honey bees are burning energy and they eat honey every time they fly. This time of year when they burn energy they are not replacing the honey they eat, No nectar. This can cause some big problems for a bee keeper if they don’t pay attention to the food stores in their Bee hives. We may have to feed our bees soon.

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