Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bad day

Today a friend of mine called and told me he had already lost half of his bees, this is all too familiar. Last year I lost 28 hives in one winter, that’s 75% of my total apiary. This just about put me out of business. Every beekeeper tries their best to take good care of their bees but sometimes I think Mother Nature has different plans for us. Dead bees and empty hives.

Every year we get inspected by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture to insure our bees are healthy and safe for sale to other beekeepers, last year was no different. So when January 2013 rolled around my losses were so big we called our local honey bee inspector for some helpful advice. What we found that week was a possible varoa mite infestation. I don’t like using any chemicals in my hives because my own children eat this honey and we won’t to keep them safe as well. So as we when into 2013 season we tried to be diligent and take the best care of our bees we can.

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