There are some new and interesting facts I’ve
learned about Honey Bees. It has been brought to my attention that not only are
honey bees wonderful and very efficient pollinators, they are doctors also. Yes
this seems to me to be a little on the strange side, but what I read they has
been a new study relating a possible cancer diagnosis with honey bees and their
amazing sense of smell.
“New research from Inscentinel, a UK-based firm
specializing in insect research, suggests that honey bees can be trained to
detect certain early-stage cancers in humans. Using this breakthrough,
Portuguese designer Susana Soares has developed a glass device for diagnosis
using honey bees and a patient's breath”. (Wagner)
I watched a video pertaining to this subject and I
think it is very likely that this could help a lot of people. It has long been
known that animals are used to assist us in many ways. Dogs are used to help
folks after sickness and also help diagnosis. Now maybe people will view Honey
Bees in a different light and not only associate them with a sting.
Works Cited
Wagner, Meg. Honey Bees Trained to Detect Cancer
on Patients' Breath. November 2013.